Discover what hundreds of senior executive survey respondents from around the world think about artificial intelligence and how its use transforms industries. Read the Microsoft-sponsored report from The Economist Intelligence Unit to learn how people are using AI to make the production and distribution of goods and services more intelligent. You'll also see how optimistic industry leaders are about AI and how it: •Contributes to financial benefits. •Transforms economies and jobs. •Encourages growth and productivity.
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Consumers expect data and services at the speed of thought – think Instagram, Amazon, Uber. Technological disruption in every industry drives organizations to become agile and transparent to understand their customers at ever deepening levels. To maintain an edge in this hyper-competitive landscape, businesses must lead or fall behind.
Consumers expect data and services at the speed of thought – think Instagram, Amazon, Uber. Technological disruption in every industry drives organizations to become agile and transparent to understand their customers at ever deepening levels. To maintain an edge in this hyper-competitive landscape, businesses must lead or fall behind.
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